BG 18.19
There is a threefold division of knowledge, action, and the one who carries out that action. Hear about this from me as well.
प्रोच्यते गुणसंख्याने यथावच्छृणु तान्यपि
jñānaṁ — knowledge
karma — action
cha — also
kartā — doer
cha — also
tridhaiva — of three kinds indeed
tridhā — of three kinds
eva — certainly
guṇa-bhedataḥ — distinguished according to the three modes of material nature
prochyate — are declared
guṇa-saṅkhyāne — Sānkhya philosophy
which describes the qualities of material nature-
yathāvach — as they were
chhṛiṇu — listen
tāny — them
api — also
There is a threefold division of knowledge, action, and the one who carries out that action. Hear about this from me as well. Knowledge which is pure recognizes that in all beings, there is a single immutable, imperishable, undivided entity. Knowledge born of passion sees all beings as distinct entities due to their individual nature. Knowledge born of ignorance clings blindly to one form as if it were all, devoid of any reason, full of falsehoods and trivialities.
Similar verses
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