13. Distinguishing the Body and Spirit

Kṣhetra Kṣhetrajña Vibhāg Yog

BG 13.17

Undivided, yet appearing scattered, this self is the sustenance, dissolution, and origination of beings.

अविभक्तं च भूतेषु विभक्तमिव च स्थितम्
भूतभर्तृ च तज्ज्ञेयं ग्रसिष्णु प्रभविष्णु च

  • avibhaktaṁ — indivisible

  • cha — and

  • bhūteṣhu — amongst living beings

  • vibhaktam — divided

  • iva — apparently

  • cha — and

  • sthitam — situated

  • bhūta-bhartṛi — the sustainer of all beings

    • bhūta

    • bhartṛi

  • cha — and

  • taj — that

  • jñeyaṁ — to be known

  • grasiṣhṇu — the annihilator

  • prabhaviṣhṇu — the creator

  • cha — and


I shall now speak of that essential knowledge which grants immortality - the Supreme Brahman, the eternal spirit within me which has no beginning, said to be neither existent nor nonexistent.


It has hands, feet, eyes, heads, ears, and mouths everywhere. It exists in all creatures and envelops them all.


It illuminates the senses, yet has no senses of its own. It is bound to nothing, yet it sustains everything. It is devoid of the Gunas, yet it experiences them all.


It is within all beings, and it also surrounds them. It is motionless yet moving, too subtle to be perceived, in the distance yet ever closer.


Undivided, yet appearing scattered, this self is the sustenance, dissolution, and origination of beings.


It is the light of all lights, beyond the reach of darkness. It is wisdom, attained only through knowledge, which is present in the hearts of all.


Chapter 13, Verse 17