12. Devotion

Bhakti Yog

BG 12.20

Those who practice this spiritual wisdom with unwavering faith and concentration are my most beloved.

ये तु धर्म्यामृतमिदं यथोक्तं पर्युपासते
श्रद्दधाना मत्परमा भक्तास्तेऽतीव मे प्रियाः

  • ye — who

  • tu — indeed

  • dharmyāmṛitam — nectar of righteousness

    • dharma — of righteousness

    • amṛitam — nectar

  • idaṁ — this

  • yathoktaṁ — as declared

    • yathā — as

    • uktam — declared

  • paryupāsate — exclusive devotion

  • śhraddadhānā — with faith

  • mat-paramā — me as the supreme

    • mat

    • paramā

  • bhaktās — devotees

  • te — they

  • ’tīva — exceedingly

  • me — to me

  • priyāḥ — dear


One who gives equal treatment to friend and foe, honor and dishonor, cold and heat, pleasure and pain, and is free from all attachments -


such a person who is indifferent to both praise and blame, who is silent and content with anything, who has no home, is firm of mind, and full of devotion - such a person is most dear to me.


Those who practice this spiritual wisdom with unwavering faith and concentration are my most beloved.


Chapter 12, Verse 20