Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
11 He, O friend, who knows that imperishable Being wherein rests the intelligent self, together with the gods, the pranas and the elements he becomes all knowing and enters into all. 

Translation by Max Mueller
11. He, O friend, who knows that indestructible being wherein the true knower, the vital spirits (prânas), together with all the powers (deva), and the elements rest, he, being all-knowing, has penetrated all.

  • vijñānātmā

  • saha

  • devaiśca

  • sarvaiḥ

  • prāṇā

  • bhūtāni

  • sampratiṣṭhanti

  • yatra

  • tadakṣaraṃ

  • vedayate

  • yastu

  • somya

  • sa

  • sarvajñaḥ

  • sarvamevāviveśeti

Prashna Upanishad