Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
7 As a bird goes to a tree to roost, even so, O friend, all this rests in the Supreme Atman: Earth and its subtle counterpart, water and its subtle counterpart, fire and its subtle counterpart, air and its subtle counterpart, akasa and its subtle counterpart, the eye and what can be seen, the ear and what can be heard, the nose and what can be smelt, the taste and what can be tasted, the skin and what can be touched, the organ of speech and what can be spoken, the hands and what can be grasped, the organ of generation and what can be enjoyed, the organ of excretion and what can be excreted, the feet and what is their destination, the mind (manas) and what can be thought, the intellect (buddhi) and what can be comprehended, the ego (ahamkara) and the object of egoism, the memory (chitta) and its object, knowledge (tejah) and its object, prana and what is to be supported. 

Translation by Max Mueller
7. And, O friend, as birds go to a tree to roost, thus all this rests in the Highest Âtman,–

  • sa

  • yathā

  • sobhya

  • vayāṃsi

  • vasovṛkṣaṃ

  • sampratiṣṭhante

  • .

  • evaṃ

  • ha

  • vai

  • tat

  • sarvaṃ

  • para

  • ātmani

  • sampratiṣṭhate

  • ..

  • 4.7..

Prashna Upanishad