Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
10 He who knows that imperishable Being, bright, without shadow, without body, without colour, verily attains the Supreme, the undecaying Purusha, O my good friend, he who knows Atman becomes all knowing, becomes all. About it there is the following verse: 

Translation by Max Mueller
10. He who knows that indestructible being, obtains (what is) the highest and indestructible, he without a shadow, without a body, without colour, bright–,yes, O friend, he who knows it, becomes all-knowing, becomes all. On this there is this Sloka:

  • paramevākṣaraṃ

  • pratipadyate

  • sa

  • yo

  • ha

  • vai

  • tadacchāyamaśarīramalohitaṃ

  • śubhramakṣaraṃ

  • vedayate

  • yastu

  • somya

  • .

  • sa

  • sarvajñaḥ

  • sarvo

  • bhavati

  • tadeṣa

  • ślokaḥ

  • ..

  • 4.10..

Prashna Upanishad