Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
2 He replied: O Satyakama, the syllable AUM is the Supreme Brahman and also the other Brahman. Therefore he who knows it attains, with its support, the one or the other. 

Translation by Max Mueller
2. He replied: O Satyakâma, the syllable Om (AUM) is the highest and also the other Brahman; therefore he who knows it arrives by the same means at one of the two.

  • etadvai

  • satyakāma

  • paraṃ

  • cāparaṃ

  • ca

  • brahma

  • yadoṅkāraḥ

  • tasmādvidvānetenaivāyatanenaikataramanveti

  • ..

  • 5.2..

Prashna Upanishad