Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
1 Then Satyakama, the son of Sibi, asked Pippalada; Sir, if among men someone should here meditate on the syllable AUM until death, which world, verily, would he win thereby? 

Translation by Max Mueller
1. Then Saivya Satyakâma asked him:–Sir, if some one among men should meditate here until death on the syllable Om, what would he obtain by it?

  • atha

  • hainaṃ

  • śaibyaḥ

  • satyakāmaḥ

  • papraccha

  • .

  • sa

  • yo

  • ha

  • vai

  • tadbhagavanmanuṣyeṣu

  • prāyaṇāntamoṅkāramabhidhyāyīta

  • .

  • katamaṃ

  • vāva

  • sa

  • tena

  • lokaṃ

  • jayatīti

  • .

  • tasmai

  • sa

  • hovāca

  • ..

  • 5.1..

Prashna Upanishad