Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
1 Next Sauryayani, belonging to the family of Garga, asked: Sir, what are they that sleep in man and what are they that remain awake in him? Which deity is it that sees dreams? Whose is the happiness? In whom, again, are all these gathered together?

Translation by Max Mueller
1. Then Sauryâyanin Gârgya asked: Sir, What are they that sleep in this man, and what are they that are awake in him? What power (deva) is it that sees dreams? Whose is the happiness? On what do all these depend?

  • atha

  • hainaṃ

  • sauryāyaṇi

  • gārgyaḥ

  • papraccha

  • .

  • bhagavannetasmin

  • puruṣe

  • kāni

  • svapanti

  • kānyasmiñjāgrati

  • katara

  • eṣa

  • devaḥ

  • svapnān

  • paśyati

  • kasyaitat

  • sukhaṃ

  • bhavati

  • kasminnu

  • sarve

  • sampratiṣṭhitā

  • bhavantīti

  • ..

  • 4.1..

Prashna Upanishad