Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
10 Whatever one’s thinking, with that one enters into prana. Prana joined with fire, together with the soul, leads to whatever world has been fashioned by thought. 

Translation by Max Mueller
10. Whatever his thought (at the time of death) with that he goes back to Prâna, and the Prâna, united with light, together with the self (the jîvâtmâ) leads on to the world, as deserved.

  • yaccittastenaiṣa

  • prāṇamāyāti

  • .

  • prāṇastejasā

  • yuktaḥ

  • sahātmanā

  • tathāsaṅkalpitaṃ

  • lokaṃ

  • nayati

  • ..

  • 3.10..

Prashna Upanishad