Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
2 To him Pippalada replied: O Gargya, as the rays of the sun, when it sets, are gathered in that luminous orb and again go forth when it rises, even so, verily, all these the objects and the senses become one in the superior god, the mind. Therefore at that time a man hears not, sees not, smells not, tastes not, touches not, speaks not, grasps not, enjoys not, emits not and does not move about. He sleeps that is what people say. 

Translation by Max Mueller
2. He replied: O Gârgya, As all the rays of the sun, when it sets, are gathered up in that disc of light, and as they, when the sun rises again and again, come forth, so is all this (all the senses) gathered up in the highest faculty (deva) 1, the mind. Therefore at that time that man does not hear, see, smell, taste, touch, he does not speak, he does not take, does not enjoy, does not evacuate, does not move about. He sleeps, that is what people say.

  • tasmai

  • sa

  • hovāca

  • yathā

  • gārgya

  • marīcayo'rkasyāstaṃ

  • gacchataḥ

  • sarvā

  • etasmiṃstejomaṇḍala

  • ekībhavanti

  • tāḥ

  • punaḥ

  • punarudayataḥ

  • pracarantyevaṃ

  • ha

  • vai

  • tat

  • sarvaṃ

  • pare

  • deve

  • manasyekībhavati

  • tena

  • tarhyeṣa

  • puruṣo

  • na

  • śṛṇoti

  • na

  • paśyati

  • na

  • jighrati

  • na

  • rasayate

  • na

  • spṛśate

  • nābhivadate

  • nādatte

  • nānandayate

  • na

  • visṛjate

  • neyāyate

  • svapitītyācakṣate

  • ..

  • 4.2..

Prashna Upanishad