Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
12 He who knows the origin of prana, its entry, its place, its fivefold distribution, its internal aspect and also its external, obtains immortality; yea, he obtains immortality. 

Translation by Max Mueller
12. He who has known the origin, the entry, the place, the fivefold distribution, and the internal state of the Prâna, obtains immortality, yes, obtains immortality.

  • utpattimāyatiṃ

  • sthānaṃ

  • vibhutvaṃ

  • caiva

  • pañcadhā

  • adhyātmaṃ

  • caiva

  • prāṇasya

  • vijñāyāmṛtamaśnute

  • vijñāyāmṛtamaśnuta

  • iti

Prashna Upanishad