Now meditation on another attribute, viz. possessing correct sound, is being enjoined. That too is having a good tone, but there is this difference: The previous one was sweetness of the voice; whereas this, denoted by the word ‘Suvarṇa’ is correct articulation according to the laws of phonetics. He who knows the correct sound of this Sāman obtains gold, for the word ‘Suvarṇa’ means both a good tone and gold. That is to say, the result of meditating upon this attribute is the obtaining of gold, which is the common meaning of the word ‘Suvarṇa.’ Tone is indeed its correct sound. He who knows the correct sound of Sāman to be such obtains gold. All this has been explained.
tasya —
haitasya —
sāmno —
yaḥ —
suvarṇam —
veda —
bhavati —
hāsya —
suvarṇam —
tasya —
vai —
svara —
eva —
suvarṇam —
bhavati —
hāsya —
suvarṇaṃ —
ya —
evametatsāmnaḥ —
suvarṇaṃ —
veda —