4. Philosophy of Action

Jñāna Karm Sanyās Yog

BG 4.6

Although I am unborn and imperishable, and the Lord of all beings, I manifest myself in this world by illusion.

अजोऽपि सन्नव्ययात्मा भूतानामीश्वरोऽपि सन्
प्रकृतिं स्वामधिष्ठाय संभवाम्यात्ममायया

  • ajo — unborn

  • ’pi — although

  • sannavyayātmā — being of imperishable nature

  • bhūtānām — of all beings

  • īśhvaro — the God, supreme Lord

  • ’pi — although

  • san — being

  • prakṛitiṁ — nature, Prakriti

  • svām — of myself

  • adhiṣhṭhāya — situated

  • sambhavāmyātma-māyayā — I manifest myself by illusion
    sambhavāmi—I manifest; ātma ; māyayā—illusion

    • sambhavāmyātma — I manifest myself

    • māyayā — illusion


Krishna replied: Many of my births have passed, as well as many of yours. I know all of them, but you do not know any of yours, Arjuna.


Although I am unborn and imperishable, and the Lord of all beings, I manifest myself in this world by illusion.


Whenever there is a decline in righteousness, and an increase in immorality, I manifest myself.


For the protection of the good, the destruction of the wicked, and the establishment of righteous action, I am born from age to age.


Chapter 4, Verse 6