3. Selfless Service

Karm Yog

BG 3.27

Action is the product of qualities inherent in nature. It is only the egotistical and deluded one who thinks "I am the sole doer".

प्रकृतेः क्रियमाणानि गुणैः कर्माणि सर्वशः
अहङ्कारविमूढात्मा कर्ताऽहमिति मन्यते

  • prakṛiteḥ — of material nature

  • kriyamāṇāni — carried out

  • guṇaiḥ — by the three modes

  • karmāṇi — activities

  • sarvaśhaḥ — all kinds of

  • ahankāra-vimūḍhātmā — deluded by ego into identifying with the body
    ahankāra-vimūḍha-ātmā—those who are bewildered by the ego and misidentify themselves with the body

    • ahankāra — ego
      Literally translates to "I making"

    • vimūḍhātmā

  • kartāham — I am the doer

    • kartā — the doer

    • aham — I

  • iti — thus

  • manyate — thinks


Action is the product of qualities inherent in nature. It is only the egotistical and deluded one who thinks "I am the sole doer".


The person who understands the true nature of the Gunas and Karma, recognizes that the senses merely interact with the sense objects, and thus remains unattached.


Those who do not understand the qualities of Guna and Prakrti are attached to their actions. However, the wise ones who know the truth should not disturb the minds of those who do not.


Surrender your actions to me, keep your mind centered on the self, free yourself from desire and selfishness, quieten the mind, and engage in battle.


Chapter 3, Verse 27