BG 3.24
If I were to refrain from action entirely, mankind would be ruined. I would lead the world to chaos and destruction.
सङ्करस्य च कर्ता स्यामुपहन्यामिमाः प्रजाः
utsīdeyur — would perish
ime — all these
lokā — worlds
na — not
kuryāṁ — I perform
karma — prescribed actions
ched — if
aham — I
sankarasya — of uncultured population
cha — and
kartā — responsible
syām — would be
upahanyām — would destroy
imāḥ — all these
prajāḥ — living entities
There is nothing in the universe that I am compelled to do, nor is there anything yet to be attained, yet I remain persistently active. If I did not diligently engage in action, people would be inclined to do the same. If I were to refrain from action entirely, mankind would be ruined. I would lead the world to chaos and destruction. Just as the ignorant act out of fondness for action, so too should the wise act without attachment, fixing their eyes upon the welfare of the world. Those who are wise do not disturb the understanding of those attached to their actions due to ignorance. They perform work with devotion, and inspire others to do the same.
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