2. Transcendental Knowledge

Sānkhya Yog

BG 2.46

The purpose of a small well is also served by a large lake. Similarly, one who realizes the absolute truth also achieves complete knowledge of the Vedas.

यावानर्थ उदपाने सर्वतः संप्लुतोदके
तावान्सर्वेषु वेदेषु ब्राह्मणस्य विजानतः

  • yāvān — whatever

  • artha — purpose

  • udapāne — a well of water
    uda-pāne—a well of water

  • sarvataḥ — in all respects

  • samplutodake — by a large lake
    sampluta-udake—by a large lake

  • tāvānsarveṣhu — in that way all

    • tāvān — that many

    • sarveṣhu — in all

  • vedeṣhu — Vedas

  • brāhmaṇasya — one who realizes Brahman

  • vijānataḥ — who is in complete knowledge


The Vedas deal with the three modes of material nature. Transcend these three modes, Arjuna - become free from dualities, remain eternally fixed in truth, stay unconcerned with material gain and preservation, and remain situated within the self.


The purpose of a small well is also served by a large lake. Similarly, one who realizes the absolute truth also achieves complete knowledge of the Vedas.


Chapter 2, Verse 46