11. Beholding the Form of God

Viśhwarūp Darśhan Yog

BG 11.48

Neither through the study of the Vedas, nor through sacrifice, nor through charity and austerity, can this form be perceived by anyone other than yourself, Arjuna.

न वेदयज्ञाध्ययनैर्न दानै
र्न च क्रियाभिर्न तपोभिरुग्रैः
एवंरूपः शक्य अहं नृलोके
द्रष्टुं त्वदन्येन कुरुप्रवीर

  • na — not

  • veda-yajñādhyayanair — by performance of sacrifice or study of scriptures
    veda-yajña—by performance of sacrifice; adhyayanaiḥ—by study of the Vedas

    • veda

    • yajñādhyayanair

  • na — not

  • dānair — by charity

  • na — not

  • cha — and

  • kriyābhir — by rituals

  • na — not

  • tapobhir — by austerities

  • ugraiḥ — severe

  • evaṁ-rūpaḥ — in this form

    • evaṁ

    • rūpaḥ

  • śhakya — possible

  • ahaṁ — I

  • nṛi-loke — in the world of the mortals

    • nṛi

    • loke

  • draṣhṭuṁ — to be seen

  • tvad — than you

  • anyena — by another

  • kuru-pravīra — the best of the Kuru warriors

    • kuru

    • pravīra


Krishna replied: It is only through my grace and power that you have been able to see this vision of my supreme form in all its radiance and universal glory. Never has it been seen by anyone else.


Neither through the study of the Vedas, nor through sacrifice, nor through charity and austerity, can this form be perceived by anyone other than yourself, Arjuna.


Do not be afraid or confused by this terrible vision. Free yourself from fear, and with a joyous heart, see me again in my earlier form.


Chapter 11, Verse 48