11. Beholding the Form of God

Viśhwarūp Darśhan Yog

BG 11.45

I rejoice that I have seen what no man has ever seen before, yet I am overwhelmed with fear. Please be merciful and return to the form I know.

अदृष्टपूर्वं हृषितोऽस्मि दृष्ट्वा
भयेन च प्रव्यथितं मनो मे
तदेव मे दर्शय देव रूपं
प्रसीद देवेश जगन्निवास

  • adṛiṣhṭa-pūrvaṁ — that which has not been seen before

    • adṛiṣhṭa

    • pūrvaṁ

  • hṛiṣhito — great joy

  • ’smi — I am

  • dṛiṣhṭvā — having seen

  • bhayena — with fear

  • cha — yet

  • pravyathitaṁ — trembles

  • mano — mind

  • me — to me

  • tad — that

  • eva — certainly

  • me — to me

  • darśhaya — show

  • deva — Lord

  • rūpaṁ — form

  • prasīda — please have mercy

  • deveśha — God of gods

  • jagan-nivāsa — abode of the universe

    • jagan

    • nivāsa


Whatever I have said to you inadvertently, addressing you as "Krishna", "Yadava", or "friend" in thoughtless familiarity, without understanding your true greatness


and whatever disrespect has been shown to you in jest, while playing, resting, sitting, or eating, whether alone or in the presence of others - I implore you for forgiveness.


For you are the father of all that moves and does not move in this world. You are its teacher and the one most worthy of reverence. In all the worlds, none are your equal - how could there possibly be anyone greater?


Therefore, bowing down and prostrating before you, I implore you for mercy and blessings. Forgive my faults like a father bears with a son, like a friend to a friend, and like a lover to their beloved.


I rejoice that I have seen what no man has ever seen before, yet I am overwhelmed with fear. Please be merciful and return to the form I know.


I wish to see you as you were before, wearing a crown, wielding a mace, holding a discus in your hand, in your four-armed form.


Chapter 11, Verse 45