Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
5 There, in dreams, that god, the mind, experiences glory. Whatever has been seen he sees again; whatever has been heard he hears again; whatever has been experienced in different countries and quarters, he experiences again. Whatever has been seen or not seen, heard or not heard and whatever is real or not real he sees it all. He sees all, himself being all. 

Translation by Max Mueller
5. There that god (the mind) enjoys in sleep greatness. What has been seen, he sees again; what has been heard, he hears again; what has been enjoyed in different countries and quarters, he enjoys again; what has been seen and not seen, heard and not heard, enjoyed and not enjoyed, he sees it all; he, being all, sees.

  • atraiṣa

  • devaḥ

  • svapne

  • mahimānamanubhavati

  • .

  • yaddṛṣṭaṃ

  • dṛṣṭamanupaśyati

  • śrutaṃ

  • śrutamevārthamanuśṛṇoti

  • deśadigantaraiśca

  • pratyanubhūtaṃ

  • punaḥ

  • punaḥ

  • pratyanubhavati

  • dṛṣṭaṃ

  • cādṛṣṭaṃ

  • ca

  • śrutaṃ

  • cāśrutaṃ

  • cānubhūtaṃ

  • cānanubhūtaṃ

  • ca

  • saccāsacca

  • sarvaṃ

  • paśyati

  • sarvaḥ

  • paśyati

  • ..

  • 4.5..

Prashna Upanishad