Katha Upanishad

The Katha Upanishad tells the story of a young boy, Nachiketa, son of the sage Vajasravasa. Nachiketa is witnessing his father donate all his possessions in an act of penance, and in a spirit of youthful inquiry, repeatedly asks to whom he was to be donated. Angered by the boy's questioning, his father exclaims "I give you to death!"

To stay true to his father's word, the boy departs to the abode of Yama, the God of death. Upon arriving, he patiently waits three days for Yama to return. His sincerity is rewarded by Yama with three wishes, one for each day he was kept waiting.

His first wish is for his father to be happy upon seeing his return. His second wish is to learn a fire sacrifice that provides passage to heaven, which is explained to him and named the Nachiketa sacrifice in his honor. His third wish is simple - "I would like to know what happens after death."

Yama attempts to dissuade him by offering wealth, pleasures, and power. Undeterred, Yama goes on to paint a detailed portrait of the subtle nature of reality according to Brahmanic philosophy. Many of the verses and concepts of the Katha Upanishad can be found in the Bhagavad Gita.

Katha 1.1.8

The brahmin who remains in a house unwelcomed causes the householder's hopes, expectations, pious deeds, cattle, and children to be destroyed.

A modern interpretation of this verse might be "one attracts misfortune by allowing an esteemed guest to remain in their home unwelcomed".

Adi Shankaracharya and a legacy of commenters have opined on the specific merit that one loses by improperly receiving a Brahmin in their home. These types of rigid formalities within a strictly defined class system can be found in hierarchies throughout the world and throughout history. One unique aspect of Vedic society was the expectation of those at the top of the hierarchy (Brahmins) to uphold the highest standards of righteous conduct.

Numerous scholars, including Shankaracharya, have written extensively on what it means to be a Brahmin, and how one achieves this status. While some older sources indicate that the son of a Brahmin is also a Brahmin, more contemporary sources like Shankaracharya state that it depends on one's innate nature (Vivek Chudamani).

  • āśāpratīkṣe — hopes and expectations

  • saṃgatam — all

  • sūnṛtāṃ — merit from noble speech

  • ceṣṭāpūrte — merits from sacrifice and noble work

  • putrapaśūm̐śca — children and cattle

  • sarvān — all

  • etadvṛṅkte — all this is destroyed

  • puruṣasyālpamedhaso — foolish of a man

  • yasyānaśnanvasati — who stays in a house

  • brāhmaṇo — Brahmin

  • gṛhe — guest

Katha Upanishad