BG 12.11
If you are not capable of this either, then seek refuge in my Yoga by renouncing the fruit of your actions with self-control.
सर्वकर्मफलत्यागं ततः कुरु यतात्मवान्
athaitad — if this
atha — if
etat — this
apy — even
aśhakto — unable
’si — you are
kartuṁ — to work
mad-yogam — with devotion to me
āśhritaḥ — taking refuge
sarva-karma-phala-tyāgaṁ — to renounce the fruits of all actions
sarva-karma—of all actions; phala-tyāgam—to renounce the fruits-
sarva — all
karma — actions, work
phala — fruits, results
tyāgaṁ — renunciation
tataḥ — then
kuru — do
yatātmavān — be situated in the self
yata-ātma-vān—be situated in the self
Focus your mind on me alone, letting the intellect rest within me, and you will certainly dwell in me alone. If you are unable to fix your mind firmly on me, then seek to reach me through constant practice. If you are incapable of steady practice, then devote yourself to my service and perform all action for my sake - this is also a path to success. If you are not capable of this either, then seek refuge in my Yoga by renouncing the fruit of your actions with self-control. Knowledge of the self is superior to practice, and meditation is superior to knowledge. Renunciation of the fruit of actions is superior to meditation, and in such a path of renunciation, only peace can follow.
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