
With the word Bhuh, he stands in fire; in the air in the shape of Bhuvah; as Suvah in the sun; in the Brahman as Mahah. He obtains self-effulgence. He obtains lordship over minds; he becomes the Lord of Speeech, Lord of the eyes, Lord of the ears, the Lord of the Knowledge. Then he becomes this Brahman, whose body is space, whose nature is truth, who sports in dynamic life, prana whose mind is bliss, who is full of peace, who is immortal. Thus, O Descendant of ancient Yoga-culture, meditate.

  • bhūrityagnau

  • pratitiṣṭhati

  • bhuva

  • iti

  • vāyau

  • suvarityāditye

  • maha

  • iti

  • brahmaṇi

  • āpnoti

  • svārājyam

  • āpnoti

  • manasaspatim

  • vākpatiścakṣuṣpatiḥ

  • śrotrapatirvijñānapatiḥ

  • etattato

  • bhavati

  • ākāśaśarīraṃ

  • brahma

  • satyātma

  • prāṇārāmaṃ

  • mana

  • ānandam

  • śāntisamṛddhamamṛtam

  • iti

  • prācīna

  • yogyopāsva

Taittiriya Upanishad