Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
1 Then Sukesa, the son of Bharadvaja, said to Pippalada: Sir, Hiranyabha, the prince of Kosala, once came to me and asked this question: “O son of Bharadvaja, do you know the Person with sixteen parts?” I said to the prince: “I do not know Him; if I knew Him, why should I not tell you? Surely he who speaks what is not true withers away to the very root; therefore I should not speak untruth.” Then he silently mounted his chariot and went away. Now I ask you: Where does that Person dwell? 

Translation by Max Mueller
1. Then Sukesas Bhâradvâga asked him, saying: ‘Sir, Hiranyanâbha, the prince of Kosalâ, came to me and asked this question: Do you know the person of sixteen parts, O Bhâradvâga? I said to the prince: I do not know him; if I knew him, how should I not tell you? Surely, he who speaks what is untrue withers away to the very root; therefore I will not say what is untrue. Then he mounted his chariot and went away silently. Now I ask you, where is that person?’

  • atha

  • hainaṃ

  • sukeśā

  • bhāradvājaḥ

  • papraccha

  • .

  • bhagavan

  • hiraṇyanābhaḥ

  • kausalyo

  • rājaputro

  • māmupetyaitaṃ

  • praśnamapṛcchata

  • .

  • ṣoḍaśakalaṃ

  • bhāradvāja

  • puruṣaṃ

  • vettha

  • .

  • tamahaṃ

  • kumāramabruvaṃ

  • nāhamimaṃ

  • veda

  • yadyahamimamavediṣaṃ

  • kathaṃ

  • te

  • nāvakṣyamiti

  • .

  • samūlo

  • eṣa

  • pariśuṣyati

  • yo'nṛtamabhivadati

  • tasmānnārhamyanṛtaṃ

  • vaktum

  • .

  • sa

  • tūṣṇīṃ

  • rathamāruhya

  • pravavrāja

  • .

  • taṃ

  • tvā

  • pṛcchāmi

  • kvāsau

  • puruṣa

  • iti

  • ..

  • 6.1..

Prashna Upanishad