Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
5 Again, he who meditates on the Highest Person through this syllable AUM consisting of three letters, becomes united with the effulgent Sun. As a snake is freed from its skin, even so he is freed from sin. 

Translation by Max Mueller
5. Again, he who meditates with this syllable AUM of three Mâtrâs, on the Highest Person, he comes to light and to the sun. And as a snake is freed from its skin, so is he freed from evil. He is led up by the Sâman-verses to the Brahma-world; and from him, full of life (Hiranyagarbha, the lord of the Satya-loka), he learns to see the all-pervading, the Highest Person. And there are these two Slokas:

  • yaḥ

  • punaretaṃ

  • trimātreṇomityetenaivākṣareṇa

  • paraṃ

  • puruṣamabhi-

  • dhyāyīta

  • sa

  • tejasi

  • sūrye

  • sampannaḥ

  • .

  • yathā

  • pādodarastvacā

  • vinirmucyata

  • evaṃ

  • ha

  • vai

  • sa

  • pāpmanā

  • vinirmuktaḥ

  • sa

  • sāmabhirunnīyate

  • brahmalokaṃ

  • sa

  • etasmājjīvaghanāt

  • parātparaṃ

  • puriśayaṃ

  • puruṣamīkṣate

  • .

  • tadetau

  • ślokau

  • bhavataḥ

  • ..

  • 5.5..

Prashna Upanishad