Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
1 Then Kausalya, the son of Asvala, asked Pippalada: Sir, whence is this prana born? How does it come into this body? How does it abide in the body after it has divided itself? How does it depart? How does it support the external and how the internal? 

Translation by Max Mueller
1. Then Kausalya Âsvalâyana asked: Sir, whence is that Prâna (spirit) born? How does it come into this body? And how does it abide, after it has divided itself? How does it go out? How does it support what is without, and how what is within?

  • atha

  • hainaṃ

  • kauśalyaścāśvalāyanaḥ

  • papraccha

  • bhagavan

  • kuta

  • eṣa

  • prāṇo

  • jāyate

  • kathamāyātyasmiñśarīra

  • ātmānaṃ

  • pravibhajya

  • kathaṃ

  • pratiṣṭhate

  • kenotkramate

  • kathaṃ

  • bāhyamabhidhatte

  • kathamadhyātmamiti

Prashna Upanishad