Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
13 All that exists here is under the control of prana and also what exists in heaven. Protect us as a mother her sons; bestow upon us prosperity and wisdom. 

Translation by Max Mueller
13. All this is in the power of Prâna, whatever exists in the three heavens. Protect us like a mother her sons, and give us happiness and wisdom.

  • prāṇasyedaṃ

  • vaśe

  • sarvaṃ

  • tridive

  • yat

  • pratiṣṭhitam

  • māteva

  • putrān

  • rakṣasva

  • śrīśca

  • prajñāṃ

  • ca

  • vidhehi

  • na

  • iti

Prashna Upanishad