Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
3 To them prana, the chiefmost said: “Do not fall into delusion. I alone, dividing myself into five parts, support this body and uphold it.” But they were incredulous. 

Translation by Max Mueller
3. Then Prâna (breath, spirit, life), as the best, said to them: Be not deceived, I alone, dividing myself fivefold, support this body and keep it.

  • tān

  • variṣṭhaḥ

  • prāṇa

  • uvāca

  • mohamāpadyatha

  • ahamevaitat

  • pañcadhā'tmānaṃ

  • pravibhajyaitadbāṇamavaṣṭabhya

  • vidhārayāmīti

  • te'śraddadhānā

  • babhūvuḥ

Prashna Upanishad