Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
15 Those, therefore, who practise this rule of Prajapati beget a pair. But Brahmaloka belongs to those who observe austerity and chastity and in whom truth is firmly established. 

Translation by Max Mueller
15. Those therefore who observe this rule of Prajapati (as laid down in § 13), produce a pair, and to them belongs this Brahma-world here. But those in whom dwell penance, abstinence, and truth,

  • tadye

  • ha

  • vai

  • tat

  • prajāpativrataṃ

  • caranti

  • te

  • mithunamutpādayante

  • teṣāmevaiṣa

  • brahmaloko

  • yeṣāṃ

  • tapo

  • brahmacaryaṃ

  • yeṣu

  • satyaṃ

  • pratiṣṭhitam

Prashna Upanishad