Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
2 To the disciple he said: Space, akasa, verily is that god the wind, fire, water, earth, speech, mind, eye and ear, as well. These, having manifested their glory, said boastfully: “We support this body and uphold it.” 

Translation by Max Mueller
2. He replied: The ether is that god, the wind, fire, water, earth, speech, mind, eye, and ear. These, when they have manifested (their power), contend and say: We (each of us) support this body and keep it.

  • tasmai

  • sa

  • hovācākāśo

  • ha

  • eṣa

  • devo

  • vāyuragnirāpaḥ

  • pṛthivī

  • vāṅmanaścakṣuḥ

  • śrotraṃ

  • ca

  • te

  • prakāśyābhivadanti

  • vayametadbāṇamavaṣṭabhya

  • vidhārayāmaḥ

Prashna Upanishad