Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
13 Day and night, verily, are Prajapati. Of these, day is the eater, prana and night, the food, rayi. Those who join in sexual enjoyment by day verily dissipate life; but to join in sexual enjoyment by night is, verily, chastity.

Translation by Max Mueller
13. Day and Night are Prajapati; its day is spirit, its night matter. Those who unite in love by day waste their spirit, but to unite in love by night is right.

  • ahorātro

  • vai

  • prajāpatistasyāhareva

  • prāṇo

  • rātrireva

  • rayiḥ

  • prāṇaṃ

  • ete

  • praskandanti

  • ye

  • divā

  • ratyā

  • saṃyujyante

  • brahmacaryameva

  • tadyadrātrau

  • ratyā

  • saṃyujyante

  • ..

  • 1.13..

Prashna Upanishad