Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
10 But those who seek the Self through austerity, chastity, faith and knowledge travel by the Northern Path and win the Sun. The Sun, verily, is the support of all lives. He is immortal and fearless; He is the final goal. Thence they do not return. This path is blocked for the ignorant. Concerning it there is the following verse: 

Translation by Max Mueller
10. But those who have sought the Self by penance, abstinence, faith, and knowledge, gain by the Northern path Âditya, the sun. This is the home of the spirits, the immortal, free from danger, the highest. From thence they do not return, for it is the end. Thus says the Sloka 1:

  • athottareṇa

  • tapasā

  • brahmacaryeṇa

  • śraddhayā

  • vidyayā'tmānamanviṣyādityamabhijayante

  • etadvai

  • prāṇānāmāyatanametadamṛtamabhayametat

  • parāyaṇametasmānna

  • punarāvartanta

  • ityeṣa

  • nirodhastadeṣa

  • ślokaḥ

Prashna Upanishad