BG 6.46
Such a wise student is superior to the ascetic, the scholar, and to those of action - therefore, be a wise person, Arjuna!
कर्मिभ्यश्चाधिको योगी तस्माद्योगी भवार्जुन
tapasvibhyo — than the ascetics
’dhiko — superior
yogī — a yogi
jñānibhyo — than the persons of learning
’pi — even
mato — considered
mataḥ -
’dhikaḥ — superior
karmibhyaśh — than ritualistic performers
chādhiko — and superior
cha — and
adhikaḥ — superior
yogī — a yogi
tasmād — therefore
yogī — a yogi
bhavārjuna — just become, Arjuna
bhava — just become
arjuna — Arjuna
The student of spirituality, after many lives of earnest striving and absolution of sin, attains perfection and reaches the supreme state. Such a wise student is superior to the ascetic, the scholar, and to those of action - therefore, be a wise person, Arjuna! The best of these students is the one who is full of faith and has fixed their inner self upon me.
Similar verses
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- Verse 4.19
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These most secret Vedic scriptures have thus been imparted to you, Arjuna. By understanding this, one will gain true wisdom and fulfillment of their duties.
- Verse 15.20