3. Selfless Service

Karm Yog

BG 3.6

A person who restrains the organs of action, but continues indulging in memories of sense objects, is delusional and a hypocrite.

कर्मेन्द्रियाणि संयम्य य आस्ते मनसा स्मरन्
इन्द्रियार्थान्विमूढात्मा मिथ्याचारः स उच्यते

  • karmendriyāṇi — organs of actions

  • sanyamya — restrain

  • ya — who

  • āste — remain

  • manasā — in the mind

  • smaran — to remember

  • indriyārthān — sense objects

  • vimūḍhātmā — the deluded

  • mithyāchāraḥ — hypocrite

  • sa — they

  • uchyate — are called


Krishna replied: In this world, there are two paths one might take - a path of knowledge for those inclined toward contemplation, and a path of Yoga for those inclined toward action.


One cannot be free from action by simply abstaining from any actions, nor can one achieve perfection by renunciation alone.


No one can remain even a moment without performing some action, for everyone is helpless to the compulsions of their inner nature.


A person who restrains the organs of action, but continues indulging in memories of sense objects, is delusional and a hypocrite.


A person who can control the senses with their mind, and always acts without attachment, is bound to excel.


Perform your obligatory actions, for action is superior to inaction. For a person following inaction, even the sustenance of the body is impossible.


This world is held in the bondage of actions that were not performed for the sake of sacrifice. Therefore, Arjuna, free yourself from attachment and perform work for this purpose alone.


Chapter 3, Verse 6