4. Philosophy of Action

Jñāna Karm Sanyās Yog

BG 4.41

One whose doubts have been dispelled by knowledge, who has renounced all actions and has control of the self, is not bound by actions.

योगसंन्यस्तकर्माणं ज्ञानसंछिन्नसंशयम्
आत्मवन्तं न कर्माणि निबध्नन्ति धनञ्जय

  • yoga-sannyasta-karmāṇaṁ — those who renounce ritualistic action

    • yoga

    • sannyasta

    • karmāṇaṁ

  • jñāna-sañchhinna-sanśhayam — doubts dispelled by knowledge

    • jñāna — knowledge

    • sañchhinna — dispelled

    • sanśhayam — doubts

  • ātmavantaṁ — established in the self
    ātma-vantam—situated in knowledge of the self

  • na — not

  • karmāṇi — actions

  • nibadhnanti — bind

  • dhanañjaya — Arjuna


The ignorant, faithless, and skeptics all perish. Those with doubtful minds have no happiness in store for them, in this world or the ones beyond.


One whose doubts have been dispelled by knowledge, who has renounced all actions and has control of the self, is not bound by actions.


Therefore, pick up the sword of wisdom and cut down this doubt in your heart, which your own ignorance has engendered, and arise on the path of wisdom!


Chapter 4, Verse 41