15. The Supreme Spirit

Puruṣhottam Yog

BG 15.3

The form of this tree cannot be perceived, nor can its beginning or end. One must cut this tree with a strong axe of detachment.

न रूपमस्येह तथोपलभ्यते नान्तो न चादिर्न च संप्रतिष्ठा
अश्वत्थमेनं सुविरूढमूल मसङ्गशस्त्रेण दृढेन छित्त्वा

  • na — never

  • rūpam — form

  • asyeha — of this world

    • asya — of this

    • iha — in this world

  • tathopalabhyate — as such is perceived

    • tathā — as such

    • upalabhyate — is perceived

  • nānto — neither the end

    • na — neither

    • antaḥ — end

  • na — never

  • chādir — also the beginning

    • cha — also

    • ādiḥ — beginning

  • na — never

  • cha — also

  • sampratiṣhṭhā — the basis

  • aśhvattham — sacred fig tree

  • enaṁ — this

  • su-virūḍha-mūlam — deep-rooted

    • su

    • virūḍha

    • mūlam

  • asaṅga-śhastreṇa — by the axe of detachment

    • asaṅga

    • śhastreṇa

  • dṛiḍhena — strong

  • chhittvā — having cut down


The branches of this tree spread high and low, nourished by the Gunas, with buds that are objects of the senses, and roots bound to the human world by karma.


The form of this tree cannot be perceived, nor can its beginning or end. One must cut this tree with a strong axe of detachment.


Then one should find that place where one goes to never return, taking refuge in the primal spirit from whom this ancient creation streamed forth.


Chapter 15, Verse 3