BG 13.34
Just as a single sun illuminates this entire world, so too does a knower of the field illuminate the field itself.
क्षेत्रं क्षेत्री तथा कृत्स्नं प्रकाशयति भारत
yathā — as
prakāśhayaty — illumine
ekaḥ — one
kṛitsnaṁ — entire
lokam — solar system
imaṁ — this
raviḥ — sun
kṣhetraṁ — the body
kṣhetrī — the soul
tathā — so
kṛitsnaṁ — entire
prakāśhayati — illumine
bhārata — Arjuna
This supreme self is without beginning and is imperishable. Though it dwells in the body, it does not act, nor does it get tainted by action. Just as space is present everywhere and is too subtle to be tainted, the self is present within bodies everywhere, and cannot be defiled. Just as a single sun illuminates this entire world, so too does a knower of the field illuminate the field itself. Those who understand, by the eye of wisdom, the difference between the field and the knower of the field, and the means by which they may be liberated from nature, attain the supreme state.
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