
Now, if there should arise any doubt regarding your acts, or any uncertainty in respect of your conduct in life, you should act in those matters exactly as those Brahmanas who are present there, who are thoughful, religious (experienced) not set on by others, not cruel (i.e. gentle) and are devoted to Dharma. And now with regard to those who are falsely accused of some crime: You should rule yourself exactly in the same manner as do the Brahmanas who are present there, who are thoughful, religious (experienced) not set on by others, not cruel (i.e. gentle) and are devoted to Dharma.

This is the command. This is the teaching. This is the secret of the Vedas. This is the commandment. This should be observed. Verily, having understood this fully, one must act in the way taught above, continuously till the last – and not otherwise.

  • atha

  • yadi

  • te

  • karmavicikitsā

  • vṛttavicikitsā

  • syāt

  • ye

  • tatra

  • brāhmaṇāḥ

  • saṃmarśinaḥ

  • yuktā

  • āyuktāḥ

  • alūkṣā

  • dharmakāmāḥ

  • syuḥ

  • yathā

  • te

  • tatra

  • varteran

  • tathā

  • tatra

  • vartethāḥ

  • athābhyākhyāteṣu

  • ye

  • tatra

  • brāhmaṇāḥ

  • saṃmarśinaḥ

  • yuktā

  • āyuktāḥ

  • alūkṣā

  • dharmakāmāḥ

  • syuḥ

  • yathā

  • te

  • teṣu

  • varteran

  • tathā

  • teṣu

  • vartethāḥ

  • eṣa

  • ādeśaḥ

  • eṣa

  • upadeśaḥ

  • eṣā

  • vedopaniṣat

  • etadanuśāsanam

  • evamupāsitavyam

  • evamu

  • caitadupāsyam

Taittiriya Upanishad