
You must not even breathe a word when those who are more distinguished than you are in discussion on spiritual matters (or, you must offer a seat to superiors and worship them with acts of reverence and love). Gifts should be given with faith; it should never be given without faith; it should be given in plenty, with modesty and with sympathy. Let there be also agreement in opinion or friendly feelings when gifts are offered.

  • ye

  • ke

  • cāsmacchreyāgͫso

  • brāhmaṇāḥ

  • teṣāṃ

  • tvayā'sanena

  • praśvasitavyam

  • śraddhayā

  • deyam

  • aśraddhayā'deyam

  • śriyā

  • deyam

  • hriyā

  • deyam

  • bhiyā

  • deyam

  • saṃvidā

  • deyam

Taittiriya Upanishad