Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
7 As Prajapati thou movest about in the womb; it is thou, indeed, who art born again. To thee, O Prana, creatures bring offerings, to thee who dwellest in the body with the organs. 

Translation by Max Mueller
7. As Prajapati (lord of creatures) Prajapati movest about in the womb, thou indeed art born again. To thee, the Prâna, these creatures bring offerings, to thee who dwellest with the other prânas (the organs of sense).

  • prajāpatiścarasi

  • garbhe

  • tvameva

  • pratijāyase

  • tubhyaṃ

  • prāṇa

  • prajāstvimā

  • baliṃ

  • haranti

  • yaḥ

  • prāṇaiḥ

  • pratitiṣṭhasi

Prashna Upanishad