Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
4 To him the teacher said: Prajapati, the Creator, was desirous of progeny. He performed austerities and having performed austerities, created the pair, the moon (rayi) and the sun (prana). He said to Himself: “These two should produce creatures for Me in manifold ways.” 

Translation by Max Mueller
4. He replied: Prajapati (the lord of creatures) was desirous of creatures (pragâh). He performed penance, and having performed penance, he produces a pair, matter (rayi) and spirit (prâna), thinking that they together should produce creatures for him in many ways.

  • tasmai

  • sa

  • hovāca

  • prajākāmo

  • vai

  • prajāpatiḥ

  • sa

  • tapo'tapyata

  • sa

  • tapastaptvā

  • sa

  • mithunamutpādayate

  • .

  • rayiṃ

  • ca

  • prāṇaṃ

  • cetyetau

  • me

  • bahudhā

  • prajāḥ

  • kariṣyata

  • iti

  • ..

  • 1.4..

Prashna Upanishad