Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
2  The rishi said to them: Stay with me a year more, practising austerities, chastity and faith. Then you may ask questions according to your desire. If we know we shall tell you all. 

Translation by Max Mueller
2. That Rishi said to them: Stay here a year longer, with penance, abstinence, and faith; then you may ask questions according to your pleasure, and if we know them, we shall tell you all.

  • tānha

  • sa

  • ṛṣiruvāca

  • bhūya

  • eva

  • tapasā

  • brahmacaryeṇa

  • śraddhayā

  • saṃvatsaraṃ

  • saṃvatsyatha

  • yathākāmaṃ

  • praśnān

  • pṛcchata

  • yadi

  • vijñāsyāmaḥ

  • sarvaṃ

  • ha

  • vo

  • vakṣyāma

  • iti

Prashna Upanishad