Prashna Upanishad


Translation by Swami Sivananda
5 Prana engages apana in the organs of excretion and generation; he himself moves through the mouth and nose and dwells in the eye and ear. In the middle is samana; it distributes equally what has been offered as food in the fire in the stomach. From this prana fire arise the seven flames. 

Translation by Max Mueller
5. The Apâna (the down-breathing) in the organs of excretion and generation; the Prâna himself dwells in eye and ear, passing through mouth and nose. In the middle is the Samâna (the on-breathing); it carries what has been sacrificed as food equally (over the body), and the seven lights proceed from it.

  • pāyūpasthe'pānaṃ

  • cakṣuḥśrotre

  • mukhanāsikābhyāṃ

  • prāṇaḥ

  • svayaṃ

  • prātiṣṭhate

  • madhye

  • tu

  • samānaḥ

  • .

  • eṣa

  • hyetaddhutamannaṃ

  • samaṃ

  • nayati

  • tasmādetāḥ

  • saptārciṣo

  • bhavanti

  • ..

  • 3.5..

Prashna Upanishad