Ishavasya Upanishad

Also known as the Isha Upanishad, this is one of the shortest and most widely studied Upanishads. It is revered for its profound philosophical insights into the nature of existence and the relationship between the individual soul (atman) and the universal consciousness (brahman). It touches upon themes such as detachment from material possessions, the pursuit of knowledge, and the ultimate realization of oneness with the divine. Despite its brevity, the Ishavasya Upanishad remains a timeless source of spiritual guidance and contemplation for seekers of truth.

Isha 6

To one who sees the self in all beings, and all beings in the self, the self does not conceal itself.

  • yastu

    • yaḥ

  • sarvāṇi — every, entirety

  • bhūtānyātmanyevānupaśyati

  • sarvabhūteṣu

  • cātmānaṃ

  • tato — from him

  • na — not

  • vijugupsate — wishes to hide or conceal itself

Ishavasya Upanishad