BG 8.2
How are we here in this body, and who is it? How do those of steadfast mind know you at their time of death?
प्रयाणकाले च कथं ज्ञेयोऽसि नियतात्मभिः
adhiyajñaḥ — the Lord all sacrificial performances
kathaṁ — how
ko — who
’tra — here
dehe — in body
’smin — this
madhusūdana — Krishna
Refers to Krishna by his mythological achievement as "killer of the demon named Madhu" -
prayāṇa-kāle — at the time of death
cha — and
kathaṁ — how
jñeyo — to be known
’si — are you
niyatātmabhiḥ — by the self-controlled
niyatā — restrained, temperate, steadfast, attentive, steady
Arjuna said: What is Brahman? What is the Lord of the Self (Adhyatma)? What is the principle of karma? What exists in the material plane, and what exists in the divine one? How are we here in this body, and who is it? How do those of steadfast mind know you at their time of death?
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