
The pupils say: ‘May we both, teacher and disciple, have the glory and effulgence born of holy life and scriptural study.’ The teacher says ‘now we shall explain the secret of teaching of conjunction.’ This teaching is based on five perceptible objects: a) Universe, b) Luminaries, c) Learning, d) Progeny, e) Body. These they call ‘the great combinations (or blendings)’. The teachings concerning the universe is this: The earth is the prior form, the heaven (firmament) is the posterior form. Atmosphere is the junction. Air is the junction. Thus one should meditate upon the Universe.

  • saha

  • nau

  • yaśaḥ

  • saha

  • nau

  • brahmavarcasam

  • athātaḥ

  • sagͫhitāyā

  • upaniṣadam

  • vyākhyāsyāmaḥ

  • pañcasvadhikaraṇeṣu

  • adhilokam

  • adhijyauti

  • ṣamadhividyam

  • adhiprajamadhyātmam

  • mahāsagͫhitā

  • ityācakṣate

  • athādhilokam

  • pṛthivī

  • pūrvarūpam

  • dyauruttararūpam

  • ākāśaḥ

  • sandhiḥ

  • vāyuḥ

  • sandhānam

  • ityadhilokam

Taittiriya Upanishad