Kena Upanishad


10 The yaksha placed a straw before him and said; “blow this away!” Vāyu approached it with all speed; he was however, unable to blow it away. So he withdrew from there (and returned to the gods) saying, “I could not ascertain who the yaksha was.”

  • tasmai

  • tṛṇaṃ

  • nidadhāvetadādatsveti

  • tadupapreyāya

  • sarvajavena

  • tanna

  • śaśākādātuṃ

  • sa

  • tata

  • eva

  • nivavṛte

  • naitadaśakaṃ

  • vijñātuṃ

  • yadetadyakṣamiti

Kena Upanishad