Kena Upanishad


1 The teacher said: If you think: “I know Brahman well,” then surely you know but little of Its form; you know only Its form as conditioned by man or by the gods. Therefore Brahman, even now, is worthy of your inquiry.

  • yadi

  • manyase

  • suvedeti

  • daharamevāpi

  • var

  • dabhramevāpi

  • nūnaṃ

  • tvaṃ

  • vettha

  • brahmaṇo

  • rūpam

  • yadasya

  • tvaṃ

  • yadasya

  • deveṣvatha

  • nu

  • mīmām̐syameva

  • te

  • manye

  • viditam

Kena Upanishad