Kena Upanishad


2 The teacher replied: It is the Ear of the ear, the Mind of the mind, the Speech of speech, the Life of life and the Eye of the eye. Having detached the Self from the sense-organs and renounced the world, the Wise attain to Immortality. 

  • śrotrasya

  • śrotraṃ

  • manaso

  • mano

  • yad

  • vāco

  • ha

  • vācaṃ

  • sa

  • u

  • prāṇasya

  • prāṇaḥ

  • cakṣuṣaścakṣuratimucya

  • dhīrāḥ

  • pretyāsmāllokādamṛtā

  • bhavanti

Kena Upanishad